Why Quality and Actions Trump Personality, and How to Make Your Dreams Reality
HOW TO GO FROM "NO WAY!" to "I DID IT!" We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. -Albert Einstein I will admit, I have been in a funk lately. It feels good to admit it. I have been trying to push back the feelings and ignore them, almost like a mosquito's bite, but the itch comes creeping back, and bringing with it its partners of destruction, distraction and discouragement. The more I sat down to write, and I wanted to, I found something else that "needed" to be done- and then felt discouraged when I couldn't find time the rest of the day to sit and compose my thoughts. "I'm just not doing it at the right time of day", I thought. And, "If I sit here long enough, it'll come to me." But it never did. Again, and again. And I wondered if it was even in my personality to be able to deliver a heart-felt, well-drafted article that would be as valuable to you, as I ...