The Blog Roll

Be Thankful

The following is something I posted on my then newly-created blog, SEVEN years ago. It seems like a dream or a memory, being that long ago. And, I've come a long way in my writing... and still have a LONG way to go! 
Reading this quote reminds me to "count my blessings in grams". If I only focus on those things that I can improve on, the little details of imperfections, then they will grow and grow.... True, it IS important to learn from our experiences, our mistakes, and our weaknesses (it keeps us humble, which allows us to learn); if that is where our focus lies, we will lose the courage, motivation, and confidence to move forward. Our faith in God, and in ourselves will disappear, and thus our joy will diminish, when we do not practice gratitude. It is a temporal action, with a spiritual result. And when our spirit and body are united, we become stronger, life has deeper meaning and purpose, and our happiness is limitless! 
So, what are you thankful for?

A post from the past:

Because we are just as much a spiritual being as we are a physical being, our spiritual health is just as important (and even connected)! So here are my spiritual thoughts on health today.

Yesterday morning I spent some time enjoying yoga outside in the yard. It was nice weather, but the most enjoyable thing was the sounds of the wind rustling the leaves, and the sounds of the birds and animals in the trees. After a while, I realized that there was more to enjoy than just what I saw with my eyes, and what I taste with my mouth. Too often I get caught up in what I'm GOING to do in the next moments, not what's happening in THIS moment. I almost lost that feeling when I came back in and found myself drifting mindlessly toward the pantry, but I caught myself, and enjoyed time with my family that didn't only involve food.

This is something I struggle with, but I'm getting better. "Arouse your faculties"; a statement made by Alma in the Book of Mormon. Pay attention to everything around you, and just be thankful. Think about why you are doing what you are doing, and be thankful for everything. What you eat, everything you smell, see and feel- and maybe we'll begin to be content with what we have, rather than thinking we need more, and then food won't be an obsession; it will be a gift.

Be good and do good,



  1. I found your new blog (I went to your old blog and looked at your profile), and I'm so excited about it! I did get your phone message--thanks so much for calling! I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to call you back yet. Our family has made some incredible steps in changing our diet since March. We're nowhere near where we want to be, ultimately, but are so excited about the progress we've made. It's inspiring to realize that God gave us the amazing gift of a physical body and He truly wants us to take the best possible care of that gift--knowing that doing so will only bless us more! I am pumped about reading the articles on your blog--and learning more from you. After all, you helped me decide to take the first baby steps. Remember?! Thanks for being willing to share what you have learned, Amy. You're the best!

    Oh--and I looked at what foods are in season in Florida right now (we're moving there in August!). It is unbelievable! I am so excited to be moving to a place with such an abundance of local fresh fruits and vegetables. WOW!!!

  2. One more thing--I was reading some of Stephanie Henderson's recipes (who is she, by the way? Is she the author of a great book, or someone you know?) and came across her granola recipe. Yum! I have a fun tip to add: we've been making homemade granola and using coconut oil instead of olive oil because it is not only an excellent, healthy oil, but has such a sweet and delicious taste! If you haven't already tried it, do! Okay, back to my reading now...

  3. Hi Amy,
    Thanks for letting me know about your blog. I'm excited to hear all your great ideas and thoughts. This post is great. Along the same lines I have been thinking about a phrase I heard in a church talk about how important it is to "enjoy the doing" of whatever it is we're doing. This has been a good thought for me in my daily tasks as a stay at home mama. Thanks again, I'll be back :)

  4. Well put. Glad to see you're doing well. Love ya!


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