The Blog Roll

Healthy- It's NOT Just About Food; plus a recipe for Homemade Hand Soap

     I have been blogging and talking about the importance of our nutrition- what we eat- but not until recently have I taken into account personally, the fact that being healthy isn't just about food anymore. How often do we misunderstand, or simply ignore the fact that our skin is our biggest organ, and what we use and do with our bodies on the outside is just as important as what we put on the inside? And I get it too- I will admit that I love the smells and conveniences of luxurious lotions and Bath and Body Works soaps; cleaners that make your home smell fresh or like there has never been a presence of germs- and never will be. It's been hard for me to transition. On the other hand, I feel more empowered and capable than ever! And, if there is something I want to do, or make, and I can do it naturally, then I can and will find a way. I have learned (and re-learn everyday) the power and success that comes from patience and perserverance. This power is giving me more opportunities to learn, to serve, and to teach my family, and to accomplish anything I really think I can do. So, I am feeling REALLY good about this transition. It is difficult to let go of old things, old habits, and what seems at first to be real or genuine needs- but as my perspective has changed and my learning increased, letting go has become easier; and, "That which we persist in doing becomes easier- not that the nature of the thing has changed, but the power to do has increased!" Thank you, Ralph Waldo Emerson.

     So, the first thing I did, was learn how to make my own hand soap, then my own laundry detergent. I'll share both recipes on the recipes site- or you can just click here to get it.
It's the first day of a new week- The first week of a New Year. C'mon, what are you waiting for?


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