What E'er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part
I love self-help books. I know, it probably sounds crazy, but I love learning from the experiences of others, which is how a lot of self-help books are created. Experience is the best teacher after all, right?
Experience and learning are crucial to understanding. See, understanding doesn't come until we apply something we've learned. It is the wisdom after experience.
Even the immortal Shakespeare, with his melancholy tragedies, and brilliant comedies, understood, probably better than anyone of his time, how we are what we do. We think, we act, we become. He said "What e'er thou art, act well thy part. He was not talking about the performance of an actor, but the simple yet profound principle that the person we are is shaped from who we THINK we are, and how we act because of those thoughts. In essence, if we want to be a certain way, our thoughts and actions will take us there.
Our journey towards becoming healthy doesn't begin with good health, it begins with a mindful recognition that something needs to change. I'm not talking change, like: "When I lose weight, then I'll feel good about myself." Or, "When I buy a new car, then I'll be happy". Time and time again we try this pattern, and we fail to see the end result. Why? Because when are happiness is conditional on HAVING something first, we have not become the person that can sustain the habits necessary to reach our goals. We will always be reaching for something we aren't ready to have.
“Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have.” ~ Doris Mortman
The Be-Do-Have model is the opposite of this viscous cycle of selfishness and sorrow. Instead of thinking that we will wait to love ourselves until we have reached our goal weight, when we think and act like we would if we were healthy, what then would be the end result? Wouldn't we BE one step closer to HAVING better health, reaching that healthy weight? If we treated ourselves, our minds, our bodies, with love and respect, wouldn't it be easier to believe we could actually reach that healthy lifestyle we have been working towards for so long.

So, Shakespeare had it right, long before our time. If we ACT- if we THINK and DO in the direction of our goals, whether it's losing weight, training for our first race, or even improving relationships, then we will HAVE the things we have worked towards. Whomever you want to become requires first that you act like that person. And, practice, in anything, makes perfect.
So, before you go to bed tonight, and when you wake up in the morning, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself who you want to be, and what you want to do. Repeat it. Again. And again. Your positive thoughts will yield amazing results. There's no telling what you can accomplish when you believe and, with practice, know you can!
Have a happy Day!
Come back and tell me! How'd it go?!
Experience and learning are crucial to understanding. See, understanding doesn't come until we apply something we've learned. It is the wisdom after experience.
Even the immortal Shakespeare, with his melancholy tragedies, and brilliant comedies, understood, probably better than anyone of his time, how we are what we do. We think, we act, we become. He said "What e'er thou art, act well thy part. He was not talking about the performance of an actor, but the simple yet profound principle that the person we are is shaped from who we THINK we are, and how we act because of those thoughts. In essence, if we want to be a certain way, our thoughts and actions will take us there.
Our journey towards becoming healthy doesn't begin with good health, it begins with a mindful recognition that something needs to change. I'm not talking change, like: "When I lose weight, then I'll feel good about myself." Or, "When I buy a new car, then I'll be happy". Time and time again we try this pattern, and we fail to see the end result. Why? Because when are happiness is conditional on HAVING something first, we have not become the person that can sustain the habits necessary to reach our goals. We will always be reaching for something we aren't ready to have.
“Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have.” ~ Doris Mortman
The Be-Do-Have model is the opposite of this viscous cycle of selfishness and sorrow. Instead of thinking that we will wait to love ourselves until we have reached our goal weight, when we think and act like we would if we were healthy, what then would be the end result? Wouldn't we BE one step closer to HAVING better health, reaching that healthy weight? If we treated ourselves, our minds, our bodies, with love and respect, wouldn't it be easier to believe we could actually reach that healthy lifestyle we have been working towards for so long.

So, Shakespeare had it right, long before our time. If we ACT- if we THINK and DO in the direction of our goals, whether it's losing weight, training for our first race, or even improving relationships, then we will HAVE the things we have worked towards. Whomever you want to become requires first that you act like that person. And, practice, in anything, makes perfect.
So, before you go to bed tonight, and when you wake up in the morning, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself who you want to be, and what you want to do. Repeat it. Again. And again. Your positive thoughts will yield amazing results. There's no telling what you can accomplish when you believe and, with practice, know you can!
Have a happy Day!
Come back and tell me! How'd it go?!
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